Sunny Computer Technology Products and Accessories
As well as offering a comprehensive range of power supplies in a variety of form factors, voltages and power outputs, Sunny Computer Technology Europe is also able to supply a plethora of accessories, connectors and cables to meet your requirements. Everyone's requirement is different, so whilst we don't hold all of Sunny's products on our website, we can offer this wide range of accessories.
Whilst Sunny can offer a wide variety of connectors, jacks and plugs on the output of their power supplies, sometimes it's required to use an existing power supply for a new or different project. In this scenario, Sunny can offer a variety of connections turning your "standard" 2.1 x 5.5mm output jack to a number of existing standards. If you need a power supply with a different jack, contact us for more information and we can certainly offer options.
For more information on the connectors available, please click the datasheet below:
Output Cables
Alongside connectors, output cables can sometimes be the mst important aspect of a power supply. When suitable units are already installed, or specific power supplies need to be used, it can sometimes be worth using a seperate output connector or cable to finalise a project. Sunny offer a wide range of output extension cables which include:
- Jack to Plug Extension
- Jack to Bare-Ended Extension
- Plug to Bare-Ended Extension
- Jack to Plug Splitter
- Plug to Plug Extension
- Plug to Switch Extension
- USB Extension
Power Supplies
Sunny Computer Technology Europe's core offerings are their power supplies. We highlight many on our website, but if any aren't shown, rest assured that we can supply the full range of Sunny products. For more information, you can find the desktop and plugtop options in our adapters product page by clicking here.
Alongside the offerings above, we can also offer a wide range of input power cables by Sunny. If you require a complete solution for a desktop power supply that you can supply your own customers ready to use out of the box, Sunny products can provide everything you need. From printed power supplies to meet your requirements, to precise cables or adapter heads for your worldwide customer base, Sunny are able to offer adaptive solutions to your adapter power supply needs. Contact us with your requirement details, so we can help you further.