RCB600 and RCB1200 Multi-Output Power Supplies

With Enedo, we have been able to continue adding more units to our range, giving new options and solutions for integrators to meet their power requirements. With their RCB600 and RCB1200 range, we can now offer a modular, configurable, and multi-output power solution that can meet many output and physical space requirements.

The RCB600 utilises a modular 1U rack system, to house up to 4 of the compact power supplies providing up to 8 outputs from a 3 x 5 x 1.6” package. Each of the modules has an output of 150W which makes them very power dense for their relative size. Available as 5, 12, 24 and 48Vdc, and two double nominal output voltages of 12 and 24V, there are a number of options available to meet a variety of specifications.

Alongside the flexibility are the features available. Advanced functions such as remote output current / voltage control and programming, single slot inhibit and all slots inhibit make the RCB600 interactive with complex industrial and automation systems. Alongside this, available signals include AC-Good and output modules Power-Good and +/- Sense Terminals. From simple systems required a variety of outputs to systems already setup with their own systems, the RCB range is suitable in most locations.

If you need just the one voltage, it’s key to note that output modules of the same type can be paralleled for larger outputs or for N+1 redundancy. For larger applications, the chassis can be put in parallel (with OR-ring considerations), making them suitable for multiple sizes of applications as well as growing and critical systems.

For more information on the RCB modules, please find the datasheets and manuals below for the 4 slot RCB600 and 8 slot RCB1200 range.
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